Monday, March 5, 2012

Food as Fuel

Not too long ago, I was watching The Daily Show when Ricky Gervais was a guest. I remember being completely shocked by how amazing he looks. Truly- nicely done, Gervais! I know many people don't like him but personally I think he's a really funny guy. More than that- he's an honest guy as in what you see is what you get. One thing he said in that interview rang so true with me; he said that in changing his lifestyle he started to look at food as fuel. What a perfect way to look at food. Of course we love our treats, sweets and pleasures but it's so important to fuel up properly.

I'm no nutritionist or scientist but I do firmly believe that so many health problems are caused by what we put in our bodies. As a society, we are over medicated, overprocessed and overweight. We pop pills to heal ailments that nature can sufficiently fix. We purchase cheap food loaded with GMOs and lab-created ingredients to save a few bucks in this terrible economy. We sometimes forgo cooking and opt for microwave-ready meals, a cooking method that has proven cancer causing agents and eliminates a great amount of nutritional properties from food. We overeat and constantly splurge because we're happy, sad, bored or in celebration. Food dictates the direction of our bodies and lives and we should fuel it correctly.

I take great care in what I put in my body and I listen to what I'm craving. I also make sure I'm not too extreme in any direction. I mean, a life without chocolate is no life at all!

But there's a time and a place for everything. One of the greatest things to ever learn is moderation. This is such a simple yet irritating concept. Through my study of yoga, balance is an overall goal and not easily attained. People spend their lives searching for balance, mentally and physically. I find balance to be integral to our understanding of personal healthcare. If I invest in what's at the end of my fork, I can avoid a great amount of health issues down the road and the best way to maintain any level of health is to have balance.

In keeping with this idea of food for fuel, I've found a few staples in my diet. First is a terrific product by a local NYC company: TumericAlive. Recently, I've returned to a vegan lifestyle and therefore LOVE their Raw Vegan Coconut Nectar Antioxidant Cleansing Formula.

The taste is a bit strong and takes some getting used to but a half cup in the morning and at night is a miracle worker. It's made up of some heavy hitters in the spice world that include antiviral, antibacterial, digestive and restorative properties. My skin has also improved since using this product, which is huge since I suffer from folliculitis. The product is made locally in NYC but I see no reason why those who are unable to purchase this product couldn't make their own variation. Otherwise, local New Yorkers and North Jerseyans- get this! I found it at Whole Foods.

Second, I love my overnight oats. What's that, you ask? Well... it's awesome, for starters. I found this recipe on Angela Liddon's blog (OhSheGlows) not long ago and it's a breakfast staple- especially on workout days! It really fills me up. I load it up with hemp protein powder, nutritional yeast (gotta get those B vitamins!), and blended strawberries and bananas. The concept is super simple:

1 cup Non dairy milk, 1/3 cup oats and 1-2 tbsp chia seeds. You mix it together in a container, along with whatever supplement and sweetener you require, and fridge it overnight. The "milk" is absorbed by the chia seeds and oats, leaving you with a thick cold-style oatmeal. It's brilliant. Plus, in the morning all you have to do is mix it with blended fruit (or whatever) and you're on your merry way! Do check out her vegan overnight oats recipes under the recipes tab. Thanks Angela!

Third is white tea. Drinking water is a pain in the ass, for me at least, and I'd rather spice it up. So, I drink tea. This particular tea is a powerhouse. It is an antibacterial/antiviral, protects your heart, lowers your cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, strengthens your bones and helps prevent cancer. Boom. Gotta love that! Plus, it tastes really good and helps curb your appetite. I always opt for organic fair trade loose leaf. Loose leaf tastes better and fair trade is just the right thing to do. But of course you'll still get all the benefits from bagged tea. Check out local tea shops. That way you can taste test and smell the different blends.

Anyway, that's my message for today. Fuel up and balance. Your body and mind will thank you!

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