Sunday, December 25, 2011

Mama’s Banana Cream Mud Pie

Happy holidays, everyone! 

I can happily report that I've had an absolutely amazing weekend with my family and couldn't be more thankful for them. Usually on Christmas Eve I enjoy dinner and dessert with close friends of the family. It's always a terrific time and I look forward to it every year. This family has been connected to mine for over 40 years! It's my mother's high school friend and her family. Can you believe they are still best friends after all that time? Finding someone like that in life is so rare and beautiful; we really lucked out having them in our lives. They are they type of people who are so generous and caring, they'd give you the shirt off their backs the moment you'd find yourself without. What better people to share your Christmas Eve with? Besides, it's a solid 5 hours of laughing. Works the abs...

So Christmas day usually begins with my mom blasting Christmas music to wake me (the hell) up. I'm a stickler for traditions and this one is awesome in theory but it's freaking scary to wake up to a sudden jolt of GLOOOOR-OOOOORRR-OOOORRR-OOOORRR-IA! Next we exchange gifts and she's always far too generous! Then I cook my famous Pumpkin Pancakes, we dress and head over to my grandmothers for gifts, dinner, dessert, and games. You know, some people don't have the luxury of being with family, getting gifts, or even having a hot meal so I feel incredibly thankful to have all three.

Of course, one of my favorite parts of the day is the FOOD! Between the cheese, dips, and dinner feast, I'm on cloud nine. But I have to say, my mom really stole the show with her Banana Cream Mud Pie. She found the recipe eons ago in Better Homes and Gardens or Good Housekeeping- one of those goodies! She doesn't usually bring it on Christmas but I think it needs to be part of the tradition from now on. It's that good. The adults love it, the kids go nuts for it- It's a winner. So here it is, for your enjoyment!

Wishing each of you love and luck this season and in the upcoming new year!  

·        40 chocolate wafers
·      1/3 cup butter, melted
·      ½ cup granulated sugar
·      ¼ cup cornstarch
·      ¼ tsp salt
·      2 ½ cups milk
·      3 egg yolks, slightly beaten
·      4 oz. white chocolate, finely chopped
·      1 ¼ tsp vanilla extract
·      4 medium bananas
·      1 cup heavy whipping cream
·      2 tbsp powdered sugar
·      milk and white chocolate, grated or shaved


Crush 30 chocolate wafers into fine crumbs. In a bowl toss crumbs and melted butter together until well incorporated. Spread and press into a 9-inch pie dish to form a firm, even crust. Cover and chill.

In a saucepan, combine granulated sugar, cornstarch and salt. Stir in milk. Cook and stir over medium heat. When mixture begins to thicken, stir and simmer for an additional 2 minutes. Remove from heat.

Very slowly pour 1 cup of the hot mixture into egg yolks and whisk. You have to do this slowly or you will hard-boil the eggs. Pour the mixture back into the saucepan and whisk together. Return to medium-low heat and cook for 2 minutes. Stir in chopped white chocolate and 1 tsp vanilla. Cook until melted.

Slice 2 bananas and arrange on the chilled crust. Spread half of the chocolate mixture evenly over the bananas. Crush remaining crumbs and layer the remaining chocolate wafers on top. Chop the remaining 2 bananas and place on the chocolate wafers. Cover with the rest of the chocolate filling.

Cover and chill for at least 4 hours. Before serving, beat heavy whipping cream, powdered sugar and remaining ¼ tsp of vanilla until stiff peaks form. Stiff peaks are when you can turn the bowl upside down and it sticks but isn’t grainy. Spread whipped cream on pie and top with chocolate curls.

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